Over 30 years of experience manufacturing hardwood flooring.
We manufacture using state of the art production methods, generations of experience and artistry, and the flexibility to create products that are unique.
Our product lines are based on European Oaks, and our ability to treat them with mechanical and chemical processes is unlike any other manufacturers in the world.

Royal Collection

What our clients have to say
“Teka Hardwood is by far our best selling flooring in almost every major market. A must have for every flooring retailer.”

Not just a manufacturer, but a partner
We offer products through a traditional chain of distribution in North America and support that chain with our own supplies of inventory in the states. Offering support to distributors and opportunities to dealers in any market not serviced by traditional distribution.
The best quality and character of raw material -
Solid sawn face layers for exceptional bonding strength -
Superior solid hardwood lumber construction -
Unique carbonizing / fuming treatments